Meet the PawerLab Team

Pawer Lab CEO

Fiona started PawerLabs back in 2020 with a dream – a dream that pet products would actually be designed for pets. After getting her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (with a minor in yarn), she would set her plan into motion. Here, she gathered the funds and started recruiting some of the best engineers she could. But she wasn’t satisfied with just any engineers – she was looking for some who were ruff around the edges… as long as they didn’t chase their tails on the job. Today, Fiona leads her team of engineers and handles research responsibilities.

Pet Toy Engineer

If there’s anything Golden Retrievers love to do, it’s play. You can say it’s one of Kenzie’s passions. Upon realizing that “fetch” wasn’t a real job, Kenzie pursued something with a little more ambition. He would go on to use his passion of “playing” to create better toys that the other dogs (or people) haven’t thought of yet. So yeah, you can say his job is “all fun and games”.

Pet Wipe Engineer

As a wiener dog who always has an attitude towards skin care products, Ramen was used to getting his paws dirty… among other things. He always loved long walks in the park, but hated when his owner would come down with the sniffles. “It’s seasonal”, he would say, but Ramen knew there was a better way. As luck would have it, he met Fiona during a routine vet visit and the rest is history.

Chief Engineer

Most cats and dogs aren’t fans of baths. They’re messy, stressful and all-around chaotic. That said, most cats and dogs can’t get dried up fast enough (that’s why they shake it to the limit). Coming from a big litter of puppies, Hazel’s would go through towel-after-towel to get everyone dried and ready-to-go. After years of engineering experience, he had a vision – a big, super-absorbent towel that can dry a whole party of pups and kitties.