The Basics of Winter Pet Care
Depending on your region, winter can vary in severity. If you live in an area that experiences winter storms and cold weather will need to take some extra precautions to keep their pets safe. Pets cannot be left to fend for themselves in colder weather. They can be susceptible to injury and even death. We want to make sure your pets are safe during the winter months and offer you these winter pet care tips to help you prepare!
Be Prepared for Colder Weather
One of the best ways to protect your pets in the winter is to be prepared. You can plan ahead by paying attention to cold-weather warnings
in your area. You may watch your local news stations for upcoming winter weather updates. There are also numerous weather apps that will send notifications to your phone when warnings and watches are issued for your area by the National Weather Service.
Unless there is a significant power outage, most winter storms and other cold-weather episodes will require you to shelter in place. You’ll want to plan winter pet care for your home. Being prepared means having the things your pet will need stocked up and ready. If you experience winter
weather or a winter storm, you might not be able to leave your house for a few days. Make sure to keep a good supply of food and snacks.
You may also want to leave your pet’s coat a little longer during the winter months. This helps provide more warmth and keep them comfortable. Talk to your groomer about avoiding shorter cuts during colder months. If your pet is a short-haired breed, you may want to buy a sweater or coat for them that will cover their abdomen from their neck to their tail.
Caring for Your Pets in the Colder Months
There are some things you do every day or every week to care for your pets. The wintertime is no different, except that the temperatures are
colder. Things like grooming your pets and walking your dogs have to happen year-round to ensure they remain healthy and strong. But the winter does pose new risks even for these types of daily tasks. Here are a few winter pet care tips to help you out.
Tips for winter pet grooming.
After you bathe your dog in cold weather, make sure they are totally dry before taking them out for a walk. Using a Pawer Lab extra-large absorbent pet towel can help make sure they are good and dry before they go outside.
Winter pet care tips for when you have to take them outside.
Walking your dog in harsh winter weather can be dangerous. Make sure to keep them on a leash. It’s easy for dogs to get lost in winter storms. There are more dogs lost during the winter months than during any other season.
Talk to your vet about microchipping your pets as a safety precaution. At least put ID tags on them, so they can be returned easily if they do become lost.
If you live in an area with a lot of frozen ponds, lakes, or rivers, keep your pet on a leash when outside. A loose pet can quickly break through the ice and succumb to hypothermia. They can die before a trained ice-rescue professional can reach them.
Taking pets outside in very cold temperatures.
Cats should be kept indoors during freezing cold weather. They can freeze with inadequate shelter. They are often killed or injured badly because they will climb up near an engine of a vehicle while it is warm. If your dog is used to being outdoors, provide them with a draft-free shelter. It should be big enough that they can easily turn around while standing, but small enough that it helps them retain body heat. Straw and other bedding materials can help provide insulation against the cold. The entrance to their shelter should be facing away from incoming wind and snow.
In extreme cold, keep your pets indoors day and night. If you need to take them outside to potty, stay with them. If it is too cold for you to stand outside with them, then it is probably too cold for them!
Taking Care of Outdoor Pets in the Winter
Some pet parents have pets that will be outside during the winter months. If your pet stays outdoors, remember that they will need more calories when it is colder. When the temps drop, you’ll need to feed them accordingly. Talk to your veterinarian to determine how much more they may need when it’s cold outside. Make sure they have easy access to fresh water. If their outside bowl isn’t heated, you may need to refresh the water in it more often since it can freeze in freezing temperatures.
Taking Your Pets Outside in Cold Weather
Taking pets outside during the winter is a must for many pet parents. Some dogs even enjoy romping and stomping through the snow. However, many times there are salt, and chemicals used on sidewalks to prevent ice buildup. Make sure to thoroughly clean your pet’s paws, legs, and belly after they’ve been outside. This keeps them from accidently ingesting toxic substances. Using Pawer Lab wipes on their paws can help prevent them from becoming irritated and dry.
About the Author
Hazel is Pawer Lab’s head engineer. He works diligently developing and testing all our dog-focused products. He enjoys the simple things of life and a nice long walk in the park. When Hazel isn’t working, he enjoys rides in the car, stalking delivery professionals, and fetching tennis balls.
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